Hook and Irons

I Will Leave the Light On For You - A Message For Police Everywhere July 18 2016, 7 Comments

Inspired by @rfdtruckie I have placed a blue light in front of my house.

Dear Officer, 

Tonight when you patrol the streets in the dark of this lonely night, blind to where the next danger lies in silent wait, I will leave the light on for you.

Tonight as the world and even our own president passes judgement on your profession, know that I understand your frustration as you must and do wait patiently for vindication. I will leave the light on.

Tonight when you rush to help those who don't appreciate you, who don't understand you, and who will be the first to condemn you, I will leave the light on for you.

Tonight as you take the world's misdirected anger and bear it time and again on your shoulders, I will leave the light on for you.

Tonight in your darkest hour, when you drive past my home, keeping watch over my family and my neighbors, I want you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.  I will leave the light on for you.

Tonight, as your own family sleeps peacefully in their bed, I know it is for them which you risk life and body.  And as you wonder time and again if the job is worth it, I will leave the light on for you.

Tonight as you question why you do what you do, look at my light.  The light is on for you and know you are not alone.  Know that the people who appreciate you the most will probably never need you.  The people who understand your plight will most likely never call for your service.  Good people everywhere are pulling for you and want you to know that the light is on for you.

You are not alone.  

When I wear my uniform, I witness the anger pointed toward you.  I have stood by your side as you mediated conflict after conflict in case after case where there are no winners only degrees of loss.  I have watched as you arrested sons and daughters, husbands and wives and countless others in order to stop violence and restore order--and I have seen the unjust anger toward you from those you are protecting.  

I have tended to your wounds, cleaned the bite marks, washed the spit from your face, and covered bullet holes in your body.  I have driven you to the hospital on more occasions than I care to remember.  As a firefighter, I stand in solidarity with you.  I understand you.  And when you pass the firehouse in the darkest hours of night, know that our light shines for you.

You are not alone.

I will leave the light on for you.

You are not alone. 


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